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Want to grow your email list? Here are 5 reasons every blogger needs a list!
Want to grow your email list? Here are 5 reasons every blogger needs a list!

Note: Some links in this post contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you make a purchase. That’s actually one of the ways you make money blogging! Thanks for supporting my blogging dreams! 🙂

You want to monetize your blog right? If so, you’re definitely going to need a subscriber list. Why you might ask? Because an email list converts a lot more than social media in terms of people purchasing your products.

Even if you don’t have anything to sell to your subscribers right now, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start collecting emails right away. Here are 5 really good reasons why all bloggers should have a subscribers list:

Having an email list is like having your own little case study

You can ask them questions, you can see what your readers respond to and what they don’t respond to, and most importantly people begin to see you as an authority figure for the topic you’re blogging about. In short, you’re building a tribe. 

Your list is a back-up option should your social media sites or website fail you

I’m not going to lie, Facebook sends WAY more people to my site than my email list does. In fact, only a couple of people on my subscribers list click on the link in my newsletters. But, if Facebook suddenly decides to suspend or deactivate my account, I still have a large group of people that I can connect with no matter what!

You will stay on top of people’s minds

If your followers are not on social media, then they won’t see your content. Or that person may be following so many people that your content gets lost in the shuffle. You know what they say, out of sight out of mind! Keep yourself fresh on your reader’s minds by sending them one or two emails every week at the same time.

An email list is much more personable

An email is much more personable than a tweet because you are speaking directly to the person. Make it a bit more personable by using the person’s first name in the email. Many email autoresponders like Aweber have this option available. Here’s a quick tip–remember to leave out the pictures and post no more than a couple of links in your email so that it won’t be filtered out as spam.

You can build trust and vulnerability with your readers

An email is one-on-one. People can respond back to you and ask you questions versus asking something live online. Also, your readers can get to know you as a real person. Use your weekly newsletters as a time to get real and vulnerable with your audience. This will help to build trust and loyalty among your readers.


Are you convinced that you too should have a subscriber’s list? If so, download my favorite opt-in plugin, SumoMe to get started today!

Thank you for reading day 4 of my blogging challenge! Make sure to post your article in the Facebook group and if you haven’t joined my blogging challenge yet and would like to be a part of it, check this out!

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5 Reasons every blogger needs a subscribers list


8 Comments on 5 Reasons Every Blogger Needs A Subscriber List

  1. Amber Lea Easton
    January 7, 2016 at 4:17 pm (9 years ago)

    Excellent advice. I’m still working on generating an email list. I admit it’s one thing I put on the back burner despite people like you reminding me of its importance. Going into 2016, I’m going to need to rewire my brain and change my attitude about it!

  2. Jeanette
    January 7, 2016 at 4:48 pm (9 years ago)

    I am definitely slacking on this one. Great tips! I definitely plan on doing better and adding that to my action plan for my blog for this year.

    • proassistblog
      January 7, 2016 at 5:56 pm (9 years ago)

      Thanks for commenting!

  3. Anna Palmer
    January 7, 2016 at 5:40 pm (9 years ago)

    Could we have the other challenge folks subscribe to each other’s lists?

    • proassistblog
      January 7, 2016 at 5:56 pm (9 years ago)

      Of course!

  4. Iman Brooks
    January 7, 2016 at 9:16 pm (9 years ago)

    Will you be doing a post on how to get subscribers? I just started my email list and I am working on how to get people subscribing.


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