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Want to make $1000 blogging online? Check out these 7 ways without any traffic!
Want to make $1000 blogging online? Check out these 7 ways without any traffic!

Note: Some links in this post contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you make a purchase. That’s actually one of the ways you make money blogging! Thanks for supporting my blogging dreams! 🙂

As a blogger I know that the #1 priority for you is to share your message and inspire other people.

I also know that the #2 goal is to make some $$$!

And guess what? That’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I think that some of us are a  little ashamed to admit that they do want to make money from our blogging.

We should take that shame and throw it right in the garbage.

When you can get paid to inspire other people, you can afford to continue to do it. Also, the more money you make, the more your family and loved ones will prosper because that’s more financial gain for them too!

See, money isn’t evil. If you use your money to make an impact, to provide freedom and financial security for you and your loved ones, then I want you to make all the money that you can!

Now with that being said, I want to showcase some ways that any blogger can make money online right away.

I see that bloggesr mainly think that the only way they can make money online is the result of a lot of traffic…

and a lot of social media techniques…

and a lot of other stuff that they don’t really need to know…

See, when you think you have to do a bajillion things to get started as a profit-generating blogger, you tend to get overwhelmed and end up not taking any action at all.

That’s why I want to give you 7 simple strategies for making money online that doesn’t involve traffic.

Become a Freelance Writer

You’re already a writer! You might as well get paid to do it. Getting gigs doesn’t have to be as hard as you think.

All you have to do is join Tom Ewer’s Paid to Blog job board ($25 per month I think) and pitch about 5 jobs per day.

Get all my personal job boards here…

Voila! In about a 2 weeks you should be getting a couple of paid writing gigs.

I joined the board when it was $30 per month (and I was super broke at the time) and then 2-3 weeks later I landed a consistent writing gig that paid 10K per year #truestory.

Also, please make sure that you’re charging more than $25 per blog post–you’re worth a lot more I swear.

One $50 article 5X per week = $1000 per month

Get my personal list of 12 Freelance Writing Job Boards that pay! 

Become a Virtual Assistant for Bloggers

Are you really good at Pinterest? What about creating email lists in Convertkit. You my friend, have some really profitable skills!

I can’t for the life of me remember her name, but I once found a lady who offered nothing but Pinterest services for bloggers.

She would make you 25 images for a set price. She would schedule all your pins for you in Boardbooster. She would even manage it for you completely for a very reasonable price.

There are SO many things to learn and people don’t have time to do everything, especially busy business owners. That’s where you come in…

download (12)

Think of something you’re good at, create a page with your prices and services on your blog and then market yourself.

A really great place to find clients is Hire My Mom. It’s where I found 90% of all my VA clients when I was a VA.

Put it out there in Facebook groups what you do. Be on the lookout in Facebook groups for people asking for help with whatever you offer.

I think I see about 1-2 bloggers ask about a VA every single month and countless others asking about social media.

Two $500 clients = $1000 per month


Create Cute Lil’ Images for Blogs

If you have an eye for design, create cute images for bloggers.

All bloggers need someone to help them with their branding.

To get started in this, take on 2-3 beta clients at a lower price. This will help you get experience, testimonials, and a feel for how long it’ll take you to complete what project.

Then, ask those people to refer someone to you.

Be on the lookout in Facebook groups for people needing help with design.

Another tip is to sell your designs on Etsy or Creative Market

Two $500 clients = $1000 per month

Become a Paid Techie

Dude…if you have ANY technical skills you can get paid bank by helping other entrepreneurs figure their stuff out.

The amount of tech-illiterate entrepreneurs out here are limitless (me included).

So many people think that I’m really great at tech and even ask me WordPress questions and I’m like I dunno…LOL

How to find your first clients?

Sign up for Fiverr, create a Facebook group for bloggers wanting to learn about WordPress, look in other Facebook groups for people asking help for techie questions.

It would be very easy to charge $50-$100 per hour to help people solve their technical issues.

10 $100 clients = $1000 per month 

Create an E-Course

If you’re a blogger with a small audience you should have created a course like yesterday.

Selling your own course can be a great way to make money right away as a blogger.

I just started creating courses this year and have already sold dozens.

Here is the process to creating and selling your course in 5 steps:

  1. Interview 20 people and figure out what their pain point is (make sure to add those people onto an email list or keep in touch with them)
  2. Outline a course that solves that pain point
  3. Create and upload it to Teachable and have some of the people you interviewed be your beta users for a discount (not for free because they won’t be serious).
  4. Run a Facebook challenge, webinar, or giveaway related to your course (add participants to your email list)
  5. Get testimonials from your beta users and launch your course to your email list


Extra Tip: DON”T sell your first course for less than $100. I would have a lot more money (and probably customers) if I didn’t low ball myself and charge pennies for my courses. If you don’t value your own material, how can you expect anyone else to?

5 Courses at $200 = $1000

Wait…how many email subscribers do you need to make that happen? Well, the average conversion rate is 1-3% for products priced at around $200 or less so that’s anywhere from 167 subscribers to 500 subscribers to make this much money.

Find a Profitable Topic and Then Charge People to Join in On a Live Webinar

So you don’t want to create a course huh? Well take steps 1-2 in the above paragraph and launch a paid webinar instead.

All you have to do is find the right topic and build a small dedicated community.

After you’ve built a relationship for a couple of months, offer to sell a live lesson (remember don’t charge less than $100).

I’ve seen other bloggers do 2-3 hour live lessons and charge a couple hundred bucks per seat.

Get a webinar service like easywebinar or gotowebinar. Then create a PowerPoint presentation outlining your lesson.

Next, go live with your webinar on your schedule date using your PowerPoint slides.

10 webinar participants at $100 = $1000

Start a Membership Site & Charge a Monthly Fee

Creating membership sites and charging a fee per month is a genius way to make money as a blogger.

Why would people pay for your site?

Because they get access to your resources for a low monthly price + they get access to you and a community of like-minded people.

Cue: So that brings me to tell you about my own membership site, Bloggers Mastermind!

Bloggers Mastermind is a mastermind and school for bloggers all wrapped up into one.

It’s a safe community where you can meet people, get encouraged, motivated and inspired to work on your blogging empire.

We have weekly Q&As, small mastermind groups, forums, free webinars, and a library of resources and courses.

If you want to be notified the next time we open the site, sign up here.

So let’s say you wanted to start your own membership site. You could sign up for Invision Board Services and use that as a membership site.

That’s why I use and it’s only $30 per month to get started.

I will warn you–setting up a membership site is technical and you may need to hire someone to help you.

You can charge $50 per month to members and at that rate you only need…

20 members at $50 per month = $1000 per month

What do you think? Do you think that you could possibly do any of these things in the next month or so? I do!

It’s totally possible for anyone to make money online, you just have to HUSTLE! And I use caps and exclamation points because I really mean it..If I was talking to you I would actually punctuate that word LOL

Just because it’s easy to make money online doesn’t make it easy–make sense?

Anyone can get someone to give them money for services online but the work of getting the consistent clients and finding time to do the work takes a lot of effort.

It’s not for everyone but if you’re smart, a fast learner, and a go-getter, then making money online is definitely for you.

Do you make money online already? What do you do? Tell me in the comments below.

Want to start making money with a blog? Learn how to start a blog today in 20 minutes or less. 


24 Comments on 7 Ways Bloggers Can Make $1000 Online (Without Any Traffic)

  1. Clearissa Coward
    May 5, 2016 at 4:10 pm (9 years ago)

    I am so glad we found each other. If all of your posts are like t his one, I am going to devour your content. I have been a blogger for a year and I think now is time for it to grow. Thank you, thank you.

    • proassistblog
      May 5, 2016 at 6:51 pm (9 years ago)

      Aw that’s so sweet! Thank you!

      • Francie
        May 10, 2016 at 6:00 pm (9 years ago)

        I couldn’t agree more with Clearissa. My favorite part is that you provide enough information for your readers to take action–that’s what’s truly valuable. Most writers give you just enough to feel like you have enough, though when you really dig deep the specific resources are what set you apart from many other writers. Thank you for your time and knowledge.

        By the way, I’m and Independent Contractor making money online by offering writing, editing, and project management services to small businesses. I love what I do, but I agree with Clearissa, I’m ready to take my blog to the next level.

        Hoping today is good to all reading!

        • proassistblog
          May 10, 2016 at 11:32 pm (9 years ago)

          Oh wow! Thank you Francie!! Your comment means the world to me! I really, really try to give people step-by-step directions because I remember how frustrated I was when I tried to make money online and bloggers would give super vague information. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Darci
    May 7, 2016 at 3:44 am (9 years ago)

    Hey Manda. Excellent post. I think the first option for me to explore would be freelancing. These are all fantastic ideas!

    • proassistblog
      May 7, 2016 at 12:43 pm (9 years ago)

      Hey Darci! I’m happy they gave you some ideas! Let me know how it works out!

      April 30, 2017 at 1:59 pm (8 years ago)

      Good idea

  3. Amanda
    May 9, 2016 at 11:59 pm (9 years ago)

    Amazing and something I need to look into on every level here!

    • proassistblog
      May 10, 2016 at 1:05 am (9 years ago)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Rudy SMT
    May 17, 2016 at 7:54 am (9 years ago)

    Great ways to make some cash! Thanks.

    Write an E-book is also a popular way to make some dollars and be reputable as an expert author in your field.

  5. Terinah DoBa (@ChaiiChi1)
    May 26, 2016 at 4:52 am (9 years ago)

    These are all great ways to start making money online, especially for those who struggle with getting traffic. I appreciate you writing this detailed post. What I am interested most is selling services because it works for me.

    The idea of creating an ebook to sell is also great. I think you can make passive income from your books if you work hard on them. :))

    • proassistblog
      May 27, 2016 at 12:58 pm (9 years ago)

      Thanks for stopping by Terinah!

  6. Jessica
    June 10, 2016 at 1:06 am (9 years ago)

    Such good ideas for new bloggers! Where there’s a will there’s a way…

  7. Katie
    June 10, 2016 at 2:18 am (9 years ago)

    Diving into the VA world, when you haven’t technically done it, is intimidating to me! I know I have the SKILLS but need to figure out the best way to market myself when I can’t say “I’ve been a VA before”

  8. Jenny
    June 10, 2016 at 2:55 am (9 years ago)

    What a handy post! I want to create my first e-course by the end of the year 🙂

    xoxo Jenny

  9. Amanda
    June 10, 2016 at 3:47 am (9 years ago)

    This is a great list of some clever ideas for making a little money. I actually have a few ideas up my sleeve that I am working on. Thanks!

  10. Rica@Yoga Mat Monkey
    June 10, 2016 at 3:51 pm (9 years ago)

    How did you get to be so savvy in your twenties? Ha ha. I love these ideas. Although I am a full-time freelance writer (and have been for some time,) some of these tips are new to me. I’ve been making money the same way for so long, I think I forgot there were other viable ways to bring in cash. Thanks for sharing, Amanda!

    • proassistblog
      June 19, 2016 at 11:18 pm (9 years ago)

      Aw thanks Rica! There are tons of ways to bring in income and I’m also in the process of trying to diversify my income. Thanks for reading and commenting!

  11. The Broke Dad
    October 28, 2016 at 11:29 pm (8 years ago)

    Now that is an honest and well thought out post. I have yet to make any money on my blog but I keep plugging away. This is not the first post I have read that suggests creating some sort of course or e-book to sell, I am just not confident enough yet in my blogging abilities to take that leap yet. I mean I am a newborn in the blogging world literally. This is only my second month but I am taking in as much information as I can and am so excited that I finally started my own blog. It is something I have wanted to do for years.
    Well thank you for this easy to understand guide and I plan on sharing it with others in thanks for all the great advice.
    The Broke Dad

    • proassistblog
      November 16, 2016 at 3:34 pm (8 years ago)

      Thank you for your kind words! It took me quite a while (years) before I was confident enough in myself to create something to sell. It’s quite scary. Hopefully, you create something much sooner than I did so that you can make money sooner! Congratulations on starting your new blog. 🙂

  12. Lisa Renee
    April 29, 2017 at 7:59 pm (8 years ago)

    Hi Manda,
    I’ve been coach since 2005 and have pondered the idea of a membership site. You break it down and give innovative ideas to get this done. You’re The Best!
    Lisa Renee

    • proassistblog
      May 1, 2017 at 2:05 pm (8 years ago)

      Thanks Lisa! And thank you for stopping by and reading!

  13. Brennon
    March 16, 2018 at 6:00 pm (7 years ago)

    These were great ideas! Thanks for sharing!


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