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Note: Some links in this post contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you make a purchase. Thatโ€™s actually one of the ways you make money blogging! Thanks for supporting my blogging dreams! ๐Ÿ™‚

One of the most common complaints I hear is that people feel like they are not getting enough engagement on their blogs. It can really be disconcerting when all you want to do is share yourself with others, help people out, and you feel like no one is hearing your message.

I know how you feel, been there done that!

The problem is that we’ve been taught to write differently than how we speak. And that’s for good reason–formal or academic writing has to be different from conversational speaking. But when it comes to blogging, we have to get out of this habit!

A Few Things You Need to Know in Order to Truly Connect With Your Audience

Speaking Personally

Blogging is basically having a personal conversation with your readers. As a freelance writer, liberal arts major, and reading enthusiast I had a real difficult time wrapping my head around this (and still do sometimes).

To do this, you have to find your voice. When you read your blog aloud does it sound like something you would say to a friend or a college essay?

Work on developing this habit of speaking personally on your blog and you will instantly make your blog 10x more fun to read!

Sharing Your Content on Social Media (The Right Way)

I know that social media followers, shares and likes are uber important to bloggers that may want to write sponsored posts as a way of producing income, but I think wholeheartedly that focusing primarily on social media numbers is the wrong way to go when it comes to monetizing your blog.

You want to make sure you have the right audience and not just random people who liked your page from a like for like thread because those people are NEVER going to interact with you, buy anything from you, or even visit your blog. So if you do focus on this you’re really wasting your time.

You want to share your content with people who care about what you’re blogging about. You can do this by following the followers of people in your niche. Join Pinterest boards in your niche and share your content. You can also join FB groups in your niche and share your content on approved days. Notice how I say join social media groups that are in your niche. It’s cool to be in a few blog sharing FB groups, but you need to be in more specific groups as well in order to surround yourself with people who are interested in what you have to say.

Also, make sure that you’re sharing your blog enough on social media. Ideally, you’ll be posting something linked back to your site every day on several social media sites. It’s worth it to learn social media management platforms like Board Booster, Tailwind (I’m learning these now), Post Planner, Viral Tag, CoSchedule, and others so that you can automate your social media sharing for optimal exposure.

Talk to People and Create Real Relationships

There’s honestly no other way around it–you have to talk to people. You can’t expect to just put your stuff out on social media and you’re going to have people flock to you in droves. You have to put in work especially when your blog is relatively unknown.

Like for instance, I’m a new blogger and I have to interact with my audience on social media EVERY DAY, because if I don’t, my traffic will literally drop from 150 views per day to 30 views per day!

And if I don’t get views, my blog will never become a well-known blog. So it’s extremely crucial for you as a new blogger to build relationships online with your audience. People have to get to know you as a real person. You’re awesome–let it shine through!


While these tips may seem simple, it can be really hard to connect with your audience. Just like a relationship with a person you have to work on your relationship with your audience. What are some ways that you connect with your audience? Tell me in the comments below!

Thank you for reading day 14 of my blogging challenge! Make sure to post your article in the Facebook group and if you havenโ€™t joined my blogging challenge yet and would like to be a part of it, check this out!

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Tips and tricks for connecting with your audience.


5 Comments on Stop Being Boring! How To Write For Your Audience

  1. ByBeck
    January 19, 2016 at 3:12 am (9 years ago)

    awesome tips! my husband is my editor ( I’m native spanish speaker, so i need his help), and he doesn’t understand that i want to write like talking to someone sitting, taking a cup of coffee! we are working on it ๐Ÿ˜› thx for sharing

    • proassistblog
      January 20, 2016 at 3:17 am (9 years ago)

      Yes it can be difficult for professional writers and editors to get used to this! Thanks for commenting!

  2. Paul Mathis
    January 19, 2016 at 4:12 am (9 years ago)

    Thanks for these tips. Some days, I am ready to give up. Other days, I think I should stick it out. Ultimately, I am realizing that if I truly want to get my message out, I have to do more work. Thanks for giving me some direction (or a lot)!

    • proassistblog
      January 20, 2016 at 3:31 am (9 years ago)

      I feel ya Paul! I think today was one of those days that I seriously started to doubt myself ๐Ÿ™ Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Mary, Living a Sunshine Life
    January 19, 2016 at 4:21 am (9 years ago)

    Yes! You are absolutely right, connecting in a personable way with our audiences is extremely important. I am the queen of APA style and have a love of a high quality, well researched, APA style research paper. I live for research (you’d never guess that, right?). But, my blog is not written in that style at all. I’m not as concise, I use fun language and I write a lot like a talk…which is a lot. As for connecting on social media, a huge point to remember is the style you use on Facebook isn’t going to be as effective on Twitter, and so on. You have to learn the style of each platform and the community you’re building on each, then post based on that. I’ve been at it for 3 years and I’m still learning. But I’m getting better, so that’s a win!


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